Comprehensive Government Consulting Services

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Your First Call

Jacob Green & Associates

Trusted By:

As a government leader, you’ve been tasked to achieve transformative results under enormous pressure.

We partner with you to make it possible.

Organizational challenges are our specialty.

And we're here to help.

As you work with our team, you will experience:

  • Veteran local government leaders with 500+ years of experience.
  • A proven approach that delivers consistent results.
  • Individuals known for bringing innovative solutions to cities throughout the nation.
  • Empathy, understanding, and presence when you need us day or night.
  • A passion to work behind the scenes and champion your vision, your team, and your success.
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Increase the performance and effectiveness of your organization at every level. Gain a deeper understanding of the organization’s strengths and challenges and equip your leaders to achieve strategic goals, build highly effective teams, and execute with confidence and precision.

Our customized solutions include:

  • Teambuilding
  • Organizational Assessments & Operational Reviews
  • Leadership Academies
  • Council Goal Setting and Performance Review Facilitation
  • Project Management
  • Strategic Planning and Work Planning
  • Council, Executive & Staff Communications Training
  • Organizational Assessments & Operational Reviews
  • Executive Search
  • Coaching
  • Leadership Training
  • AEM-Cube Team Assessment
  • Keynotes

Equip your organization to calmly and confidently navigate any crisis with expert training and innovative plans for mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery based on national standards and proven business continuity practices.

Our customized solutions include:

Comprehensive Emergency Management Services


  • Assessments & Strategic Gap Analysis
  • Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Development
  • Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs)
  • Recovery Plan Development
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Design
  • Exercise Design & Delivery
  • Emergency Management Academy
  • Elected Official Training
  • Public Outreach             
  • Staff Training


  • EOC Response Technical Support
  • Volunteer Group Coordination (CERT/RACES Programs)


  • After Action Reports
  • EOC Recovery Support  

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) Development

There are a lot of firms out there promising to deliver hazard mitigation plans. But FEMA's new guidance as of 2023 has changed the game, significantly updating the requirements for CalOES and FEMA to approve hazard mitigation plans.  These changes include: 

  • Requiring plans to focus on climate change impacts and on taking action to mitigate those impacts.
  • Increased attention to vulnerable populations and disadvantaged communities, as well as action to address those groups' needs specifically.
  • Much greater scrutiny on stakeholder outreach and process, ensuring the public as well as various other stakeholder groups are given opportunities to be involved

Plans that gained FEMA approval two years ago often would not get that approval today.  Be sure when you are considering consultants to work on your plan that they understand the new requirements and are able to deliver a plan that can be approved under today's guidance, not the guidance from 3 years ago.  

Our AICP-certified planning professionals will work with your community to update your existing plans or write new ones.   We listen - to you, to your community, and to the evolving requirements of CalOES and FEMA - and because of that, we deliver.   We also have experience in climate adaptation and action planning in California and elsewhere, being able to help your community prepare for the challenges of the future, and our professionals have worked on safety elements of general plans as well.

Whatever plan your community needs, Jacob Green and Associates' mission of building resilience to the hazards both of today and those in years to come makes us YOUR FIRST CALL

Complete your high-priority projects without overextending your valuable time and resources. We partner with you to expertly manage projects and enhance performance and efficiency in the critical areas of law enforcement and Fire-EMS services

Our customized solutions include:

  • Project Management
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Contract Management
  • Executive Search
  • Executive Investigations
  • Organizational Assessments/Operational Audits
  • Transitional Leadership
  • CALEA Accreditation
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Your Partner To:

  • Create alignment between all levels of the organization
  • Minimize the negative impact of loss when emergencies strike
  • Develop resilient teams able to leverage adversity to produce favorable outcomes
  • Build stronger, safer communities
  • Increase your capacity to complete more projects

Here’s how we will be successful together:

The API ProcessTM

Assess +


Your success is dependent on complete clarity for what will deliver the best outcome.

This comes down to:

  • WHO (Stakeholders)
  • WHAT (Expectations)
  • HOW (Resources, Gaps, Plan)

Our trusted assessment process will ensure you achieve the best outcome, not simply a response to a current symptom.

Plan +


Next, we develop a plan of action that includes: 


The right plan will enable you to execute effectively and stay on track for each stage of the work.

Implement +


Finally, we become a trusted partner to bring your plan to life.

We leverage over 500 years of combined public sector experience to:

Write, train, coach, exercise, facilitate, and develop the resources and teams you need to achieve your goal.

As a result, you will have alignment between your vision, training, documentation, people, and processes.

The See Change Clearly Keynote

Building Resilient Teams

Available In-Person or Virtually

This customizable keynote equips your organization to embrace culture and operational changes with a new perspective on challenge and adversity. Jacob shares proven tools and tactics developed during his grueling recovery from a traumatic brain injury after interrupting a robbery.

This Program is Perfect for Executives Who Are:

  • In the midst of organizational change and need to inspire and energize their teams
  • About to implement a major company-wide policy or technology that will require alignment
  • Seeking ways to help your top performers take their results to the next level and stick around through your company’s continued growth

Your Audience Will Leave With:

  • A fired-up team with the skills to protect their internal fire, no matter how it is challenged by today’s changing economy.
  • Resources and tools that can be implemented immediately following the keynote
  • An authentic, fresh message to sustain their motivation.
  • A new perspective on change as something to conquer instead of something to avoid.
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See Change Clearly

Sign Up to Receive a Free Chapter

"Jacob's courage and resilience have inspired all who know him, encouraging action to bring about positive change. This is a book that will have a profound impact on you."

Founder, The Jane Goodall Institute

Using lessons learned from his own experience as a survivor of a traumatic brain injury, Jacob shares how to leverage adversity for a positive outcome and create an authentic workplace culture, showing up for your team every day whether you are on the front line of your organization or at the helm.

See Change Clearly Stacked 3D-min

Download the first chapter for free now.

Lead Magnet

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